The Spoonful

The Grapes 14 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom

Our Sunday Sessions continue with blues trio 'The Spoonful'.

Matt Owens & The Delusional Vanity Project

The Grapes 14 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom

Every second Friday, come and enjoy the incredible music played by Matt Owens and The Delusional Vanity Project!

Hot Club of Avalon

The Grapes 14 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom

The Sunday Sessions are being taken over this by Gypsy Jazz Band Hot Club of Avalon.


The Grapes 14 Westgate Street, Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom

Our Sunday Sessions continue with a balance of trad, new, romantic, feel-good and rousing
traverses an acoustic spectrum with a folk-pop core and feisty smatterings of roots
and gypsy at the edges.