Angus Pinkney
Company name
How old are you?
Do you have any pets?
A cat called MR Kitty.
Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about what you do
I grew up in the lake district and have recently moved to Bristol. I am the third child of 4 so I need all the attention I can get.I am in charge of activations, which is a combination of sales and marketing for JUBEL beer. My job is to be in bars, to my mother’s disbelief. My main job is to run events in accounts that sell JUBEL. I run a series called ‘Beat the Brewer’ where you take part in fun games to win JUBEL prizes. Being a startup company I have done lots of different jobs through the course of my time with JUBEL so I am armed to deal with many questions JUBEL-related.
How long have you been doing this job?
I have been working with the company for 2.5 years but have been in this role for just over 7 months.
Tell us a bit more about your product, are there any you’ve developed yourself?
JUBEL is beer cut with fruit. We have three beers peach, elderflower and grapefruit.The Peach is our original product. It is inspired by a tradition in the french alps called demi peche where a lager would be served with a peach top. We discovered two things whilst on a ski trip in the alps, one was a great song called JUBEL meaning a ‘feeling of extreme joy’ and two was this demi peche tradition. Thus JUBEL was born. It is 4%, gluten-free and vegan. We are passionate about the environment and are carbon negative and a certified B corp.We are the Après beer. We want to embody that Après ski feeling in a can or pint. The carefree feeling of being able to enjoy times with friends and let loose of the 9-5 struggle.
What’s the best thing that has ever happened whilst you’ve been working in this industry?
- The people you meet day to day all inspire me. From small business owners to customers, I love getting to know new people and my energy comes from this. Also, I only have 2 good jokes and because I meet new people every day I get to use them a lot.
- I have always had a passion for craft beers. My brother, my dad and I, over lockdown, took it upon ourselves to have a beer tasting evening once a week with a rating system.
Tell us the worst thing about working in this business
In the beer industry, especially the craft beer industry, there is a perception amongst a minority that the nicer a product tastes the less credit you get for drinking it. People can look down on products because they are not 13% and don’t taste like a dirty wooden floor.
Did you do a job before this one?
I used to be a retail manager. I loved it but a lot of time I would be counting the minutes till I could go out and socialise with my friends. So I decided to make that my job instead.
What’s the funniest thing which has ever happened to you on a work day?
I was running a ‘beat the brewer’ event during the day at this family pub. A woman approached and asked if her 11-year-old son could play me and if I lost I had to buy the whole family drinks and him a J20 (which is sometimes more expensive than a beer). I chuckled and took on the challenge. He beat me 21-3.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love sports of all kinds football, tennis, squash, and rugby. Watching and playing. I also like to watch movies and spot continuity errors, which according to my girlfriend is ‘sad’ but there’s nothing I love more than spotting a camera crew in a scene or someone holding something they weren’t in the cutaway.
If you work with other people, what do you do to gel together as a team? OR If you work on your own, what is it that inspires you each day?
I work here and there with different members of the team. We are still a small team so everyone knows everyone and we all get on really well. Each member of the team has such different strengths so we all gel really well.My brother also works in the company. When we have meetings together we like to think of ourselves as very cool like the Gallagher brothers but in reality, we are more like the chuckle brothers.
Have you got any final words of wisdom for someone thinking of starting up in this industry?
Have faith in your product or brand. If you have faith in your product or what you’re doing people can spot that and they respect it. Never talk your product or brand down, even as a joke. You show faith it feeds through in everything you do.
Have you got any products on your website you might like to highlight or any offers to entice them your way?
We have Peach, Elderflower and Grapefruit cans on the website plus loads more about our story, and our efforts to support the environment. We are also stocked in Sainsbury’s and Waitrose if you are too far away from The Grapes to enjoy a cold one in there.